Are you still sticking to that New Year’s resolution you made a few weeks ago? Congratulations! Studies have consistently shown that most people quit their resolutions sometime between January 12th and 19th. You’ve made is past Quitters Day, but you’re not in the clear yet. Around 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February.
Resolution Success
Not you. You’ve got this. To help you on your journey of self improvement, we’ve compiled some of the top tips to help you power through and stick with your resolution.
Remove the Excuses
The easiest way out of a good resolution is an even better excuse. Don’t fall into this trap. Anticipate your excuses and out smart them.
If your New Year’s resolution involves healthier eating, meal prep and keep healthy options readily available so junk food is never easier. Concerned about safety while running outside or working out in a park? Sign up for self-defense classes and carry Pee Pistol on with you when you leave the house.
Change Your Habitat
Most resolutions focus on changing habits, like eating healthier, working out more, learn something new or save more money. Some quick and easy adjustments to your environment can make it easier to develop these new habits.
If you want to workout more, keep a clean set of workout clothes next to your bed so you see them when you wake up. Be ready for your morning run by keeping other essentials, like headphones, water bottle and Pee Pistol, by the door and ready to grab as you head out. Strategically place books where you are likely to sit and read them so when you settle down, so your new learning materials are within easy reach. If you want to eat healthier, keep healthy food readily available by replacing the candy bowl on your desk with a bowl of fresh fruit.
Track Your Progress (but not too much!)
Depending on your resolution, tracking progress may look very different. If you are trying to save more money, you could keep a chart and mark off progress in smaller dollar amounts or check in at the end of every month. Working out more can be tracked by logging total miles or keeping a calendar and checking off every day that you workout. If weight loss is your goal, step on the scale the same day every month and see how far you’ve come.
These check-ins help you see progress. They also give you something to look forward to and work towards. By breaking up the larger goal into smaller benchmarks or increments of time, you keep yourself accountable while allowing for easy wins along the way.
The only caveat is you should be careful not to track too much, too frequently. This is especially true with weight loss goals as weight can fluctuate daily. By keeping regular check-in points, you can keep track of your progress without getting discouraged by small, incremental change.
Safety for Runners
Exercising more is consistently among the top 3 New Year’s resolutions made every year. For most people, this means a gym membership or going for a daily run. If running is on your resolution to-do list, take some time to make sure you are running safely.
Whether you are new to running or a seasoned pro, safety should always be a top priority. Choosing a safe route if the best place to start. If it is dark out while you are running, pick up a reflective belt or vest for better visibility.
Self defense is an important safety consideration as well, especially if you run alone. Self-defense classes are often recommended for women, but are beneficial for everyone. In addition to self-defense training, carrying Pee Pistol gives you an extra line of defense if you ever need it.
Order Pee Pistol Today
Resolve to keep yourself safe this year. Keeping a Pee Pistol in your purse or pocket whenever you leave the house is an easy habit to pick up and one that can make a big difference in your safety this year. Order your Pee Pistol online today, and be prepared for anything the new year may bring.